Christmas Sites

Ah Yes, "it's the most wonderfulll time of the yearrr!" Time to get the Christmas/Hanukkah/Festivus/Yule/Kwanzaa/? decorations out of the attic, battle the hordes at the malls, watch the 200 holiday specials on TV (and almost the same amount of college football bowl games), and be haunted by the ghost of Christmas Presents! *g* And of course, all those great holiday songs: "Jack Frost roasting..on an open fire; O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree..I'm dry so please water me." Or even "Jingle Bells, Santa smells, Easter's on its way!" heheheh

But before you get too bogged down by the holidays, visit these Christmas sites. :))

A Christmas Story House and Musuem The house where the 1983 film A Christmas Story was filmed.

California Christmas Lights A site that lists "the best & brightest Christmas light displays" primarily in the SF Bay Area, but now expanded to other parts of California.

Christmas countdown clock

Christmas Ship Parade in Portland, OR

Crippsmas Place A neighborhood in Fremont, CA that has decorated their homes for over 50 years.

History of Christmas Info about Santa's home.

NoradSanta Check on Santa's progress! :))

Pick Your Own Christmas

Santa Claus, IN

Santa Claus Museum

Santa's Origin and other facts

Symbols and Traditions of Christmas

Take a look at my Santa collection while you're here or read the "scientific" analysis of Santa. You might also enjoy Soldier's Request, as you give a thought to those stationed in other parts of the world this holiday season.

And of course, let me wish you a very


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